Upcoming Teaching

Düdra –
Introducing the Philosophic Logic
of Yungdrung Bön

with Geshe Tenzin Gelek Rinpoche
via ZOOM

4 Sessions: 8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24
6p-8p ET

Suggested: $160

Logic and intelligence is used as a support for our direct practice and realization. Those who have ‘riglam’ (wisdom, the path of understanding rigpa/awakening), develop confidence in their own conclusions. The Bön and the Buddhist traditions teach the importance of not accepting anything upon blind faith. Our own logic must be sharpened to develop confidence in our own logic and understanding. This sharpened intelligence is then a support for our own direct realizations as well as a support for then sharing to others.

In the study of Düdra, a basic logical framework, shared terminology set, and general psychology is laid out. Then, the logic is challenged and developed through debate and discussion.

The debate style is passionate and seemingly ferocious at times. However, it is absolutely free of aggression and is rooted in the loving intention of supporting one another’s confidence in their wisdom.

Monks debating at Nangzhig Monastery. Photo credit: Unknown

Teaching Explanation:

Description from Geshe Gelek:

For any practice you learn in Yungdrung Bӧn, it is necessary to understand through logic. If you do not understand the topic through logic, then it is difficult to understand the real meaning of the teaching. Therefore, logic is the best way to understand the teachings of the Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen.

This teaching will cover some of the subjects of logic and all students of Bӧn are welcome.

  1. Three Possibilities

  2. Four Possibilities

  3. Mutually Exclusive

  4. Mutually Inclusive

  5. General and Specific

  6. Sameness and Different

    This class is welcome to everyone. 

Geshe Lungtok Tenzin Gelek practices and teaches Bon Religious Tradition. Geshe la has spent most of his life at Menri Monastery, since 7 years of age, learning the Bon tradition. HH 33rd Menri Trizin Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche taught Geshe la how to chant according to the Menri tradition. Geshe la was appointed to the high position of Chant Master or Tsok Chen Um Zed, to lead all the Menri monks proper tone and pronunciation. He held the position for 3 years. HH 33rd Menri Trizin Rinpoche also taught him Cham – the secret dance, and held the position of Dance Master for 6 years. HE Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche taught Geshe la the Bon Scriptures of Sutra, Tantra and Dzogchen. Geshe la would memorize all root text of these scriptures. He also learned poetry, astrology, astronomy, Tibetan medicine, and methods for constructing mandalas and stupas. Geshe la taught Bon Mool Shastra (Bon root texts of Zhang-zhung) to students at Central University of Tibetan Studies, Varanasi, India for 14 years. Geshe la is dedicated to teaching and supporting the scriptures to all who are interested.

Great Secret Mother Tantra:

5 Day Retreat on the Compassionate Sun Tantra


 with Geshe Tenzin Gelek Rinpoche
 via Zoom

Retreat is live participation only, no recording.
 The 2 prep sessions will be available via recording.

Preparation Session #1: 8/31/23 6p-8p EST 

Preparation Session #2:   9/7/23 6p-8p EST

Retreat: 9/11/23-9/15/23 8a-5p EST

Sliding Scale Registration: $500-$700 

Register for the Retreat

Pricing for this retreat is based on a sliding scale system. The sliding scale range for participation in this event/teaching is $500-$700.  

We recognize that everyone is in a different financial situation. We ask those who are in the position to do so, to please donate in the upper range or above the suggested amount, which supports our ability to offer a limited number of scholarships and accept lower donation amounts.

For those who are unable to donate within the suggested range, there are a limited number of scholarships available.  

You are welcome to apply here for a scholarship.”

Teaching Explanation:

Description from Geshe Gelek:

The Mother Tantra first came from Küntuzangpo and so forth in the language of the Yungdrung deities. It was then transmitted to the Mother Zangza Ringtsün of the Thirty-Third level gods. Then it was transmitted to Sangwa Düpa of the Land of Shen Olmo Lung Ring. Next, it was transmitted to Gyalshen Milü Samleg of Gyagar bacho Zhang Zhung. It has been successively transmitted to the present to my root Lama without interruption. 

The Mother Tantra has three parts. 

  1. The Base of Primordial Enlightenment in thirty chapters 
  2. The Path of Actual Enlightenment in ten chapters 
  3. The Fruit of Complete Enlightenment in ten chapters

Furthermore, the meaning of Mother Tantra is the teaching of Tantric practices that are more focused on the completion stage. What is referred to as the Father Tantra teaches the generation stage practices. The Son Tantra teaches the union of the generation and completion stage practices. Within the text of the Mother Tantra, there are the stages of the generation and completion stages, the six mothers’ path of application. The application of the Tsalung Thigle, channels, winds, and spheres. The application of the dream, present appearances being like the nature of a dream. The application of the body offering practice, offering the illusory body. The Three Enlightened Bodies phowa transference of consciousness for oneself, and the phowa for others. The luminosity of sleep, the sleep practice. Appearance, increase, and attainment at the time of the bardo, the way of the appearances of luminosity. This Tantra teaches how to be liberated from cyclic existence. 

The commentary to the Mother Tantra comes from Milü Samleg. Milü Samleg was born in Barba in Zhang Zhang. His father was Kyer Wer Thatsen Hisangkya. His mother was Lhaza Yungdrung. He practiced for one-hundred and fifty years. The first fifty years were spent practicing and teaching on the Base of Primordial Enlightenment. The second fifty years were spent practicing and teaching on the Path of Actual Enlightenment. The third fifty years were spent practicing and teaching on the Fruit of Complete Enlightenment. Finally he attained the rainbow body without any physical remains. 

In accordance with this, now at this time we have a precious human body and it is very important to get the blessings of the method of the profound instructions of the Great Secret Mother Tantra Compassionate Sun. This method is the three types of realization and conduct of the Mother Tantra of the realization and conduct of the Lama, the realization and conduct of the Yidam, and the realization and conduct of the Khandro which is very beneficial to do each year in a five day retreat. 

By doing the practice of the realization and conduct of the Lama, you are embraced by the compassion of the wise and loving Lama. By doing the practice of the realization and conduct of the Yidam you get the initiation and blessings of the powerful Yidams. By doing the practice of the realization and conduct of the Khandros, adverse conditions will be averted and so forth and you will receive great compassionate blessings. Your practice will progress swiftly and powerfully. In the next lifetimes you will be continually reborn in the human realm. You will have a vision of the Yidam Sangchok Gyalpo and the Khandro Kyema Otso, the two obscurations will be purified, the two accumulations completed, by which you will become enlightened. 

This retreat is welcome to everyone. 

Study of the Pure Land Prayer:
The Prayer of the Completion Body 

“Rope of Compassion”

 with Geshe Tenzin Gelek Rinpoche

Teaching Series via ZOOM

For those who cannot attend live
or would like to review,
each session will be recorded
and accessible for the following week.

5 Sessions: 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/25, 6/8
6p – 8p EST

Sliding Scale Registration: $150-$250

Register for the Course


Pricing for this course is based on a sliding scale system. The sliding scale range for participation in this event/teaching is $150-$250.  

We recognize that everyone is in a different financial situation. We ask those who are in the position to do so, to please donate in the upper range or above the suggested amount, which supports our ability to offer a limited number of scholarships and accept lower donation amounts.

For those who are unable to donate within the suggested range, there are a limited number of scholarships available.  


You are welcome to apply here for scholarship.



Teaching Explanation:

Description from Geshe Gelek:

“This is the first time this precious prayer of Yungdrung Bӧn, the Completion Body “Rope of Compassion” and its practice have been introduced to Western students. Therefore, for the Western practitioners of Bӧn, with respect and love, Geshe Tenzin Gelek has agreed to focus on teaching this Completion Body prayer. He has agreed to give a line by line commentary to the prayer and explain how to practice and so forth. Any student of Yungdrung Bӧn is welcome to this teaching. 

We are the fortunate ones who are under the blessing of the Lama. We have obtained the precious human body with the freedoms and endowments. Practicing the precious teachings of Yungdrung Bӧn is our excellent karmic connection and great fortune. 

This precious human body with the freedoms and endowments should be used for the diligent practice of the teachings of the Buddhas. Contemplating the meaning of the words and having the fortune to practice, you must realize that there is no other birth than that of a human that you get this opportunity. 

Therefore, having obtained this precious human life, use it to accomplish enlightenment.
If you do not accomplish enlightenment, then your life is meaningless.
It is like you are dying of thirst next to a giant lake. 

It is like you are sick with a fever next to a medicinal camphor tree.
It is like you are on an island of precious jewels without the fortune of getting treasure. 


Therefore, Yungdrung Bӧn has the prayers of the Three Enlightened Bodies: 

  1. The Prayer of the Reality Body “Rousing the Sleep”
  2. The Prayer of the Completion Body “Rope of Compassion”
  3. The Prayer of the Emanation Body “Transferring in to Omniscience” 


At this time, the subject of the teaching will be the prayer of the Completion Body entitled “Rope of Compassion”, also called the prayer of the Blissful Pure Realm. This text teaches how to listen, contemplate, and practice. 

So, for any sentient being who is dying or wishes to be reborn in the Blissful Pure Realm, they need to face the Northern direction of the Pure Realm of Buddha Limitless Light, holding pleasant smelling incense, and through the six purifications recite the prayer of the Rope of Compassion prayer. 

When you recite this prayer, meditate, and recite the mantra, you should not omit or add any words, your contemplation should be even, and your pronunciation of the mantra should be proper. You need to recite this prayer with faith and devotion. 

The text of the Completion Body prayer “Rope of Compassion” has three main subjects: 

  1. The causes of how to be reborn in the Blissful Pure Realm 
  2. The special cause of reciting the mantra
  3. The truthful expression of accomplishing the prayer

The subdivisions of these three subjects can be condensed as follows: 

A. The four causes of being reborn in the Blissful Pure Realm and how to practice that: 

  1. The environment of the pure realm 
  2. Recognizing virtue and non-virtue, accumulating virtue and abandoning non-virtue 
  3. How to do confession which is the antidote to hatred 
  4. How to make offerings which is the antidote to miserliness 
  5. How to rejoice which is the antidote to envy 
  6. How to request teachings which is the antidote to ignorance 
  7. Praying that the Buddhas and teachers do not die which is the antidote to wrong views
  8. How to generate the Enlightened Mind
  9. The causes of rebirth in The Blissful Pure Realm of dedication and prayer

B. The special cause of reciting the mantra

C.  Reciting the prayer with the truthful expression of accomplishing it” 


Register for the Course